I'm really starting to question my sanity in deciding to do this whole marathon thing again...we'll see what happens as the long run mileage continues to creep up. I just hope my internet doesn't crap out again just before I need to map out my route...I could take up this whole blog entry ranting and complaining about our service provider, but I think I'll save that for another time. Let's just say they've had to pay a visit to my house upwards of 15-20 times to fix the same problem.

So after party #2, we go right home, get the kids cleaned up and off to bed...and I'm ready to prep for the 15 miler the following morning (5 am wake up)...uh oh...NO INTERNET. Funny how I've become so ridiculously dependent on mapmyrun.com to plan my route to the nth degree...so I spend the rest of the evening continuously fiddling/checking/cursing the black cable box that I really, really just wanted to throw out the window.
Well, there was no fixing the thing...I gave up and went to bed...got about 2 hours worth before kid #3 woke up crying because he's got "boogies"...tough to breathe when you're completely stuffed up. Repeat 4 times. 5 am comes really early.
I get up, get clothing together, find my shoes, charge the garmin, put on the HR monitor...where's my iPod? Nowhere to be found. I guess I could live without it...so I give up looking after a while concluding that this just isn't going to be the greatest morning. Drink some coffee, eat some breakfast...fill up 2 water bottles and find my gu...find the iPod (YAY!)...and finally hit the road an hour later (1/2 hour later than planned).
Up to the Columbia Trail I go...at least I know it's all marked out up there and once I figure out how far it is to/from, should be easy to run exactly 15...I'm actually feeling pretty good despite wearing my old shoes (no way I'm going to risk running long distance in the new ones!) - my right shin only hurts for the first 2 miles, my feet feel fine and I feel pretty energetic all things considered. It's almost exactly 2.5 miles to the trail, so all I have to do is go another 5 miles then turn around...and it was great because I saw quite a few familiar faces out there...which always is a great pick-me-up. As part of my training, I monitor my heart rate, and was surprised to see it was in the steady low 150's almost the whole time...

After a brief (but very necessary) pit-stop to a porta potty in the parking lot at the beginning of the trail, and a brief stretch, I headed home...by this time my right hamstring was seemingly getting tighter and my feet were tired...but my pace didn't slow even after climbing a few hills and before I knew it, I was trotting up my driveway. Sunday morning mission accomplished...exact needed mileage in the books, AND the rest of the day to do whatever I wanted. Well, whatever I wanted with kid #1 and kid #3 tagging along. Long gone are the days of marathon training sans kids. I can't really even remember what it was like...
Next up: Rediculous Relay...hoping to cover 7-12 miles (I'm supposed to do a 7 miler as my long run anyway) THEN 17 the following weekend. Maybe I'll hit the "wall" just as I arrive home. Perfect!
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