After the events of this past
weekend and the torrential, unrelenting rain, my planned long run was put on the back burner. I did manage to get over to the NH track to get a quick 3 miler in with all 3 kids in tow - figuring that it's fenced in, where could they go? Glad I didn't encounter the black bear that everyone else saw that morning on the property...

I would have liked to get my 16 miles in Sunday afternoon/evening, but it was just too nice for Mike to be back home and not be there, too. I figured I'd have to log something of a longer nature in the beginning of this week, so I'd try to head out a bit early Monday evening and then try to time it so I'd run (no pun intended) back to Base Camp with the "Fun Runners" that meet and run together every Monday. Unfortunately I was about 1/2 mile off my calculations (wanted to get in 10, got up to 9.5) and was about 40 seconds per mile faster than I predicted (WOOHOO!!!) so I got back ahead of everyone else. It's very strange - as I was on my run, I felt like I just couldn't get into a good I was a bit awkward...but I think it's because I was running faster (considerably, to me) than usual, but my heart rate was staying low...definitely a step in the right direction!
BUT....of course since I was feeling so great...the achilles heel
of my running life has flared up again...only this time it's on the other foot. Grrrr. I let myself think for only a second during that run how great it was that my right foot was holding up well and I hadn't had any issues other than the shin pain a few weeks back. D'oh! Kiss of death! Now my left foot is painful in the same area as where my right foot had issues (stupid longer middle toe!), but this time it's more acute, rather than a diffuse discomfort. So, I'm enlisting the services of Advil and ice on a regular basis to see if I can get rid of this nonsense. Hopefully this will resolve in the next few days and I won't miss much of my training. FINGERS CROSSED!

On another note, returning to Base Camp and meeting up with the fun runners for a few recovery beers and some socialization made it a really great night. Thanks to Julie for organizing - great idea, great people, great company...can't go wrong!
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