So, if you've been reading this blog you know that a) I enjoy running (or jogging, to all those "fast" people out there) and b) I enjoy food. Oh, and I also like soccer. But training for a marathon/long weekend runs don't mesh well with the fall soccer season, so that's on hold for now...but I digress...

I enjoy putting one foot in front of the other for a long period of time...and very much like when I can run a race faster than I've been able to finish before. However, I've seemed to somehow manage to surround myself with a bunch of overachievers. And when I say overachievers, I mean even
potential olympians. So, whereas I might have felt I was doing pretty darn good "jogging" I neared the end of the trail last weekend, I happened to pass a few of our new friends from the NJNY Track Club and
instantly felt as if I was running under water...these guys make running look so effortless at a speed that I'd likely die of a heart attack running for more than a few minutes!
Then reality came back and slapped me in the face. Of course I'm not going to be as fast as these's literally their job to be doing what they do, and the other super speedy people around, well, they're just a little on the nutty side (sorry,
Eric &
Mike, but you really are). I just very much enjoy going out and doing what I do - why mess with a good thing and make it torture? I guess I'm a little competitive, so I like doing well...and that's good enough for me!
So the moral of this blog what you like to do - but get out there and do
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