Call it the curse of the coming winter solstice, but something's got to give if I'm to continue training for a marathon on 10/30. This summer was great - I could leave work and get a run in before it got too dark out...but now...not only do we have the craziest time of the year going on at Pro-Activity (translation: Mike is away a good chunk of the time), but we've got not one, but TWO kids playing travel soccer - practices, practices, more practices and games on Saturdays and Sundays. Not that I'm complaining...not really. But just thinking back to the "old" days...I could wake up and go for a run before work, or go right after work. Or around dinner time. Basically, whenever I wanted. Ah yes, pre-kids.
However, I do find that I LOVE watching my girls play soccer. I love watching them learn. Make mistakes. Have fun and feel so good about what they can do. And the fact that the trainers all have British or some other easy-on-the-ears accents...

I suppose I'm just hoping to log a respectable time in Philly this Sunday...and manage to carve out some daylight time to log some serious mileage over the next month and a half. If not, I'll need to invest in some serious night-vision gear so I don't break my ankles in the potholes that line the road nearby...although if I did, it might spur the local DOT to do something about those things! Bah, probably not.
Wish me luck!
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