Here we go again...I guess when you ramp up the training, the aches and pains are magnified, only this time I'm happy to say it's not my feet but my shins (well, not "happy" to say, really). Actually, I think it's my shoes which are causing the it's back to the drawing board to find the "perfect shoe". This is one of those things that I'm NOT looking forward to because there are so many choices out there and I'm the kind of person who shuts down when there's more than one. Just ask my sister...she calls me "helicopter shopper"...I go in to a store, turn around in a circle, then I leave. The problem is even worse when it comes to the internet..good for when you know exactly what you want, bad when you have 1000's of items to wade through.
So I know that a) I have flexible feet, b) I overpronate a bit, and c) since my 2nd toe is longer (again...thanks, Dad) there's more pressure on the MTP joint, so I need to wear supports in my shoes.
Sounds awesome - and I'm sure you're all immensly intrigued by my foot issues.
Anyway, I've decided internet research just isn't going to cut it for me this time...I'm going to have to bite the bullet and actually go somewhere and ask for help. Yeesh.
Here's my (nearby-est) choices:
1. Sneaker Factory, Basking Ridge, NJ
2. Aardvark Sports Shop, Bethlehem, PA
3. Road Runner Sports, North Brunswick, NJ
As I see it, it's going to be a hike, likely with 3 kids in tow, so needless to say this dampens my lack of enthusiasm even more. I can just visualize trying to listen to the salesperson, while simultaneously deflecting kid #3 from picking up random product and either throwing, dropping or taking off with it, moderating fights between any combo of kid #1, 2 or 3, and deflecting the ever persistent "mom, can I get this?" question about (insert random product here)...I'm sure you can feel my pain already.
Looks about right..
BUT - it'll all be worth it in the end if it produces the "perfect shoe" and I can merrily go on my way, not a twinge, tweak or iota of ouch in sight...ah, at least one can dream...
Now that I've got a few minutes (oops, might have just jinxed myself...) to sit and a) eat lunch, b) figure out what I'm going to write about, and c) try not to melt, I got to working hours have drastically changed, and thus my life too. I quit my 8a-4p, 40 hours-a-week job right after kid #1 came along...and "since I was going to be home anyway", I took over the books for Pro-Activity. Enter kid #2 and finally kid #3....juggling work, infancy, preschool and finally up through grade school, I managed to get all the billing done, financials and lots of other miscellaneous stuff - all from the comforts of home.
Fast forward to about a month instead of "on my own time", I'm working a steady 7am to 8pm pace almost every day, the kids are here sometimes, with family others, and also with our awesome babysitter. Starting this all was incredibly difficult for me - not having my little buddy with me 24/7...not being the one religiously picking the girls up from their various activities...I could completely understand and commiserate with the angst all those other working mom's have leaving their babies the first few times to return to work...only mine weren't infants (which I am forever grateful about).
Fast forward again to now - we're all getting used to the crazy schedule...and there's much less complaining or push-back from kid #2 and kid #1 when they have to get up early to come to work with me (Thank God!). They're having a good time with their cousins, Grammy & seemingly tireless babysitter Anna (who I hope keeps her sanity keeping them busy today when it's 100 degrees outside). Whew.
So now I have these crazy hours, a husband who works some crazy hours, too...and I still need to train for my marathon in October, play soccer (we're in the quarterfinals!) AND actually spend some time with my family...and this is where I got to thinking...I couldn't do this all without their support, encouragement and understanding. I could just skip it all - but where would that leave my mental and physical well-being? I've certainly sacrificed these things before...and what's left is a frumpy-feeling miserable mom...and if "Momma ain't happy, ain't nobody happy"...I'm much better able to be a better wife, mom and all around good person when I've been able to be active and enjoy my "hobbies"...and it's certainly not one sided - Mike is even more active than I am (see his blog here), but whereas it might mean I won't spend all Saturday with him, I don't mind when he goes on a 60 mile bike ride because I know my turn is coming soon. We plan ahead and fit the time in for both work and play...and no one ever feels left out or left behind.
I'm certainly not looking to keep this pace fact, I'd like to work a few less hours! But I know Mike, my kids, and my extended family have my back...and just knowing that puts me at ease. I'll be forever grateful to them...and hope I'm always able to support them as wholeheartedly as they do for me.
Soccer fever is running high around here - and even more so now that our ladies of red, white & blue are in the World Cup Finals. Kid #1 and #3 are psyched because I said they could paint their faces for the game...though I think kid #1 will actually watch, while #3 will likely be running around like a lunatic - probably something akin to William Wallace.
So I got to thinking - these American elite...where do they come from and how do they get so good? Where was soccer when I was a kid? Surely there were youth programs out there (mumble)-odd years ago? I play on an adult team with some ladies who have some pretty awesome skills...many played in college - at least one even against a girl on the US team (yeah, Cheryl!). I've yet to ask them how they got into it, but let me tell you- for a kid to get into competitive soccer now, they have to get in early. Like 8 years old early. The travel teams around here take few new players once the teams have been established, unless the team implodes or something else happens. At least, this is all my perspective...feel free to correct me if I'm wrong!
Anyway, I've really developed an appreciation for the sport and the skill set that goes with it. From watching my oldest play recreation soccer at the tender age of 5, to following her travel team around the state, to playing on a club team myself - well, let's just say I've got "foot skill" envy. How I wish I'd have gotten into it earlier in life...I think I would have really enjoyed playing the sport - and, like last night's grown-up league game, might not feel like I've got lead-for-feet going up against some former college players!
Abby Wambach scores the goal which seals the win v. France
To anyone in the area - feel free to join us this Sunday, 7/17 at our new location on the corner of Molasses Hill Road and Route 31 N in Lebanon to watch the World Cup Final...we're opening up specifically for the game and hope to get a big crowd to show support for our amazing USA ladies...Kickoff is at 2:45!
Not to sound completely un-American....but what's the deal with the "Nathan's Famous Hot Dog Eating Contest"?
Ok, so I personally find hot dogs gross. Gross enough that I've said before I'd rather die than eat a dirty water dog from a street cart in NYC. I cringe when my kids eat them (but of course, I'm not SO crazy I won't let them ever have any...maybe once a year...)
Yep. That looks like fun.
Anyway, I just can't imagine cramming in 62 hot dogs with buns (or anything for that matter) and not feeling like I'd want to die...who in their right mind would even consider it?
Apparently back in 1916, a couple immigrants had a contest on Coney Island at Nathan's Famous stand to prove who was more "Patriotic". So, the more hot dogs you ate, the more you loved your country? Hot dogs embody the great US of A? Who knows if this actually happened, or if it's just some good made up-lore to get more publicity for Nathan's...but it worked, and the contest has happened every year since 1972, according to Wikipedia.
Did you know you have to qualify to be able to compete in the annual contest? I can just see it..."Honey, I think I really have a shot. I'm going to the Bejing qualifier...I'm gonna do it!"...I wonder if these people "train" for the event?
Ok, all sarcasm aside...I wonder what eating all those dogs does to a person?
Here's what I found:
According to the Code of Federal Regulations, Volume 9, Section 319.180 a hot dog can be:
Beef or pork
15% byproducts; heart, kidney, liver or other organs which must be labeled
20% mechanically separated meat; a process whereby bones are forced under pressure through a sieve, removing small amounts of attached meat to create a paste-like product which has qualified as “meat” since 1994 when the definition was officially changed.