So here I am, surrounded by a slew of endurance athletes...some are literally Pro's, with olympic dreams, others trying to satisfy that incessant need to expend some energy and be competitive post HS/College years, and even some just trying to keep themselves as young as possible. No single story is less inspiring than the other - I believe we are all inspiring when we decide to push our boundaries and get "out there".
So when the term "endurance" is spoken, the first thought might be directed toward what these people are doing...but lately my thought on endure is getting through the week (weekends included) without losing my mind...
Let me explain.

I've got 3 kids, 2 of which are involved in travel soccer & piano lessons. One is also involved in track, and the other with 2 other extracurricular activities. Therefore, we have activities scheduled
every single day of the week. Yes, Monday - Sunday. Double sessions. No days of rest in this house. Kid #3 is a good sport - he gets dragged around from place to place, with just a little whine or protest here and there...but I'm pretty sure someday soon he's going to rebel and say "the hell with you people, I'm not doing anything
anymore, and you can't make me". Only a matter of time. And have I ever mentioned my husband is training for another Iron Man Triathlon? About 20 hours/week in some cases of any combination of swim, bike and run...all the while working full time + (I totally get the term "mom's taxi").
Anyway, so from planning the entire week's worth of dinners on Saturday am, food shopping for the whole week somewhere inbetween activities over the weekend...I'm trying to stay on top of things because it would be all too easy to run through a drive thru en route to any activity. I do not want to sacrifice my family's nutrition for convenience - I suppose you could say it's one of my own personal "core values" - I believe how you fuel your body is incredibly important - and particularly while my kids are still growing and developing at a fast rate. Setting them up for a healthy adulthood is critical.

I know some day it will pay off dividends, and as long as I can squeeze in some running time for me I can maintain the stamina to keep on keepin' on. Only 7 more years 'till kid #1 gets her license... which will be a whole other animal...
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