Thursday, March 10, 2011

Highway Robbery...

As I was reading the paper this morning, an article caught my eye about the pre-term labor drug Makena.  Apparently it was manufactured by a few different pharmaceutical companies which as we all know creates some competition to keep the price fairly reasonable.  However, now one single company has been given exclusive rights to manufacture the drug, so the cost per injection will go from $10 - $15 per dose to $1500.  Yep, that's increase of one HUNDRED times the price!  Anyone else out there find this unbelievable?

What other pharmaceuticals are priced this outrageously?  I for sure don't want to know, nor do I want to have to find out someday.  My master plan is to live my life au natural.  No daily prescriptions for me, thank you.  I'd rather put the time in now to PREVENT and PROTECT!  (Just for the record, I'm not against all medications...just the ones that we don't need if we can prevent whatever ailment it's prescribed for!)

"BUT how can  you do this?", you might ask....

From the prior entries of this blog, you know I'm a big believer in FOOD as FUEL.  I also believe that human beings were meant to be active...if we're sedentary, we lose function, which only accelerates as we age.  Poor diet + minimal activity = recipe for disaster!

Interested in learning more about how diet can prevent chronic disease?  I highly recommend the following books:

Eat to Live and Disease-Proof  Your Child by Dr. Joel Fuhrman
The China Study by T. Colin Campbell
Prevent and Reverse Heart Disease by Caldwell B. Esselstyn, MD
Fill Up to Slim Down by E. Diethrich and Jyl Steinback

While the message of these books may feel extreme (as making a drastic life change can be), why not just start with educating yourself, then instituting small changes a little bit at a time...eventually leading up to a long term goal you set for yourself?  Small, permanent changes win every time - You have the rest of your life to do it right!

The following recipe is a new favorite of mine...loaded with the good stuff...avocados (great source of omega 3's), arugula (jam-packed with nutrients and one of the best greens to eat), & tomatoes (awesome source of lycopene - excellent for men's health).

"Lindsay's AH-mazing Egg White Wrap"

1 serving

* Whole wheat tortilla; soft taco size (medium)
* 1 Tablespoon hummus (highly recommend Sabra's roasted garlic hummus)
* 2/3 cup arugula
* 1/3 cup avocado slices (cut avocado in half, slice width-wise, approx 4 slices)
* 2 Egg whites, cooked
* 1/2 cup cherry tomatoes sliced in half (or 3 slices from medium size, ripe tomato)

Warm tortilla in toaster oven or microwave.  Spread hummus on tortilla, top with arugula, avocado slices, egg whites and tomatoes.  Fold bottom of tortilla partially over egg whites and veggies then fold sides in, so that they overlap.

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